Establishing of Christmas tree culture

A healthy Christmas tree culture needs to be thoroughly planned

Running a Christmas tree plantation requires you to be patient and careful in your planning. It typically takes 6 – 12 years, from the establishment of the Christmas tree culture to the time that the planted area can be harvested. This naturally makes it a long-term investment, which at the same time may seem a bit obscure. If you plan your Christmas tree production correctly from the start, and if you are careful in the maintenance and care along the way, the production can, however, give a good return in the long run.

We at Andresens Skovservice have many years of experience in establishing Christmas tree cultures, from selection of seeds and plants to sowing, planting and care. We are very careful when it comes to the selection of provenance for our own cultures, and we seek to be just as thorough when helping our clients select provenance for their plantations. Additionally, we take quality conscious actions, when we have the responsibility of planting, sowing and producing plantations for our clients, so their end product is as good as possible.

Establishing the Christmas tree culture

Before we plant the Christmas tree culture, the soil area is cleared of weeds and then sprayed. In order to achieve the best result in the growth process, it is very important that the type of tree provenance is chosen correctly based on the information obtained about the soil, the environment and the weather. In addition, the choice of the cultural model, where determination of row spacing, plant spacing and grooming tracks is carefully considered, as this forms the basis for the future operation of the plantation and cannot be changed during the process. In some cases, hedgerows are needed, as some woods are more prone to damge from wild animals or harsh weather conditions than others.

Før vi anlægger juletræskulturen ryddes jordarealet for opvækster og sprøjtes. For at opnå det bedste resultat i vækstprocessen er det meget vigtigt, at typen af træ-proveniens bliver valgt korrekt på baggrund af de indhentede oplysninger om jorden, miljøet og vejret. Dertil kommer valget af kulturmodellen, hvor fastlæggelse af rækkeafstand, planteafstand og plejespor overvejes omhyggeligt, da dette ligger til grund for den fremtidige drift af plantagen og ikke kan ændres i løbet af processen. Det er i nogle tilfælde nødvendigt med opsætning af hegn, da nogle træsorter er mere udsatte for vildtskader eller vejrmæssige omstændigheder end andre.

We find the right provenance from the right place

With our many years of experience, we professionally help and advise you on finding the right provenance for your soil based on the information we can gather about the soil, the environment and the weather. Throughout our many years in the industry we have a good acquaintance with plant nurseries, and from there we have gathered a great knowledge about their plants and seeds, and at the same time built a close contact. Therefore, we can help find the right seeds and plants from the right place. This means that you are sure that the plantation will be top quality from the start.

Contact us

Seeking help or consultation?

Then we are ready to offer you the care it takes when establishing the cultivation of Christmas trees. We have years of experience in establishing Christmas tree culture, and can both help or guide you in ensuring a sensible Christmas tree culture, where the risk of planning errors is minimal, and the probability of getting beautiful trees at competetive prices increases.

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